Sunday, April 20, 2014

Week 9: No Food

This past weekend I didn't go out to eat because I didn't have any money to buy food  and my parent's didn't want to give me money to go out or they didn't want to take me out. But this coming weekend I am going to a restaurant that I haven't gone or try a new dish that I haven't eaten there. Then I will continue with what I'm doing with the blogs or make them a bit better. This will help me see the different tastes of the OC and not just the regular foods that are around the country. I plan to start getting information about  different restaurants or the different types of foods that people love. Then I predict to start making my blogs similar to theirs by giving them honest rates so people won't be surprised the dish if they are interested by it. So I believe that I will go to different restaurants so people will get more interested on the different types of restaurants when visiting the OC boundaries.

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